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Decision of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on carrying out learning activities to the "model of The Times" Party Member Service team of High-tech Lianxin Bridge2024.09.25 Deyang signed 15 key projects involving the "3+1" leading industries2024.09.25 Zuo Yongxiang met with Indonesian Foreign Ministry Secretary General Jejeep2024.09.24 The host event of the 2024 China Farmers Harvest Festival in Sichuan Province was held2024.09.24 Shi Xiaolin meets with Wang Zhiheng, President of the Agricultural Bank of China2024.09.24 To nail the spirit of reform implementation - the spirit of the sixth Plenary session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee triggered a strong response2024.09.23 The 10th Sichuan Agriculture Expo and Chengdu International City Modern Agriculture Expo opened with 39 preferred products exhibition areas in underdeveloped counties2024.09.21 The Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China held a forum for non-party people to solicit opinions on the sixth Plenary Session of the 12th session of the Provincial Committee of the opinions and suggestions for consultation on the key investigation and research results of 2024 Wang Xiaohui chaired and spoke Shi Xiaolin Tian Xiang Li attended2024.09.21 Shi Xiaolin met with Vice President of the Hungarian National Assembly Jakob2024.09.20 Communique of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 12th Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China2024.09.20 The plenary meeting of the provincial government's coordination mechanism for combating and controlling telecommunications network fraud and the provincial video conference were held2024.09.20 At the provincial anti-drug work conference, Ye Hanbing stressed the deepening of drug problem management according to law, source control, comprehensive control and wisdom management, and escorted the construction of modern Sichuan2024.09.20 We will strive to make new breakthroughs in the handling of proposals and suggestions2024.09.19 Shi Xiaolin meets with Zhu Xiaojing, president of Walmart China2024.09.19 Wang Xiaohui presided over the 2024 plenary meeting of the Rural Work Leading Group of the Provincial Party Committee to emphasize the persistence of consolidating the agricultural foundation to accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas in our province Shi Xiaolin attended2024.09.19 Shi Xiaolin held a special meeting to study and promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle to accelerate the implementation of the matters agreed at the joint meeting of the Party and government of the two provinces and cities to promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City economic circle2024.09.19 Yang Xingping went to the science and technology department for research and discussion2024.09.19 Shi Xiaolin meets with He Dongfeng, chairman of COMAC2024.09.18 Shi Xiaolin special research to promote the construction of industrial circle and strong chain and credit system construction to promote the construction of key industries to build a strong chain to accelerate the development of new momentum of economic quantity and quality2024.09.15 Sichuan Province Women's characteristics industry production and marketing promotion Conference was held in Chengdu and released the "Women's Income Project" and "Women's good products"2024.09.15 Five expressways in the province were opened to traffic simultaneously2024.09.14 We will accelerate the development of a province with strong quality to promote high-quality development2024.09.14 Do a good job in handling suggestions and proposals with diligence and conscientiousness2024.09.14 Shi Xiaolin presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government to convey the study and implementation of the central spirit of the meeting to accelerate the manufacturing industry to "change the number of wisdom" and other work2024.09.14 Sichuan served as the guest of honor of the Service Trade Fair and held the theme day promotion meeting2024.09.13 The national housing system "Quality Month" was launched in Chengdu2024.09.13 2024 Sichuan - South and Southeast Asian Countries Business Cooperation and Development Conference held in Chengdu to "new" walk together2024.09.12 The Sichuan Committee of Jiusan Society held the 40th anniversary celebration conference Shao Hong attended the conference and delivered a speech2024.09.12 Government and enterprise "face to face" to solve the difficulties of private enterprises2024.09.12 Phubu Dondup in Chengdu to investigate the development of elderly care service industry stressed that actively respond to the aging population to accelerate the development of the silver economy2024.09.11 Wang Xiaohui presided over the province's economic operation work to promote the meeting to emphasize unswervingly achieve the goal of the whole year task brave responsibility for the big economic province to contribute to the overall situation of the country Shi Xiaolin work deployment field Xiangli attended2024.09.11 王晓晖主持召开省委理论学习中心组专题学习(扩大)会强调 学习好领会好贯彻好习近平法治思想 不断把法治四川建设向纵深推进2024.09.10 Wang Xiaohui stressed in the province's science and technology conference to build innovation highland in the western region to build a strong province of science and technology to write a new chapter of Chinese modern Sichuan contribute more scientific and technological strength Shi Xiaolin presided over Tian Xiangli attended2024.09.10 Sichuan Theme Pavilion at the 24th CIFIT2024.09.09 Wang Xiaohui and Shi Xiaolin extended holiday greetings and sincere wishes to teachers and educators in the province2024.09.09 The 2024 National Pharmaceutical Industry Information Annual Meeting opened in Chengdu2024.09.08 In 2024, the "Belt and Road" International Conference on Brain Health and Brain Organ Interaction Technology was held in Chengdu2024.09.08 The Sichuan-Chongqing Municipal CPPCC promoted the Joint consultation meeting on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle to strengthen the joint performance of duties to help the implementation of national strategic deployment Cheng Li Hua Tian attended2024.09.07 Some provincial leaders went to the city and state to supervise, study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, firm confidence, forge ahead and scientifically promote the reform task2024.09.06 Sichuan Province held the second public charity gala to promote charity spirit and spread charity love2024.09.06 High-quality management to promote high-quality development2024.09.06 Strengthen the "circle" and "chain" thinking to promote the high-quality development of the medical and health industry2024.09.06 The province carried out special rectification actions on fire safety focusing on construction fire operations to strictly implement the responsibility for comprehensive rectification of hidden dangers2024.09.06 Wang Xiaohui Shi Xiaolin met with Seychelles President Ramkarawang to witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of friendly and cooperative relations between Chengdu and Victoria2024.09.06 Dong Weimin stressed the cultivation and expansion of application market to accelerate the development of low-altitude economy in Chengdu since the Gong research2024.09.05 Shi Xiaolin stressed the anchoring of the annual target of high-quality implementation to promote the old revolutionary base areas to accelerate development and catch up2024.09.05 During his research in Ganzi Prefecture, Wang Xiaohui stressed that greater progress should be made in promoting modernization in ethnic areas by adhering to ecological priority and green development, promoting ethnic unity and common prosperity2024.09.05 Shi Xiaolin met with a delegation of well-known digital economy enterprises in Shanghai2024.09.05 Zuo Yongxiang in Ya 'an research stressed: compaction compaction responsibility to improve disaster prevention and relief capabilities2024.09.04 Strengthen the supervision of medical insurance fund and keep the masses' "doctor's money"2024.09.04 Our province held the 10th anniversary of provincial strategic cooperation series of activities Wang Xiaohui Shi Xiaolin met with relevant university leaders and witnessed the signing of the agreement2024.09.03 The UAE National Pavilion of the 2024 World Power Battery Congress was officially opened2024.09.02 Our province and the Civil Aviation Administration of China signed a strategic cooperation agreement Wang Xiaohui Shi Xiaolin met with Song Zhiyong and witnessed the signing of the agreement2024.09.02 Dong Weimin led the Sichuan delegation to visit Denmark and Finland2024.09.02 The 2024 World Power Battery Conference opened in Yibin Wan Gang attended and delivered a speech Wang Xiaohui delivered a speech Miao Wei made a keynote report Hamadi Xiong Jijun delivered a speech Shi Xiaolin hosted2024.09.01 Zhenjiangguan to Huangshengguan section of Chuanqing Railway is officially opened for operation. It takes 99 minutes from Chengdu to Huanglong Jiuzhai Station by high-speed rail2024.08.31 China (Sichuan) - Finland science and Technology Economic and trade Cooperation matchmaking conference held in Helsinki signed seven cooperation issues2024.08.31 The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to firmly support the CPC Central Committee's decision to conduct disciplinary review and supervision investigation against Cui Baohua2024.08.31 Wang Xiaohui stressed at the Chengdu leading cadres conference that all efforts should be made to fight for economic construction and further forge the long board to supplement the short board to promote the advantages to serve the country and the overall situation of the province to contribute more Chengdu strength2024.08.30 Shi Xiaolin investigated the people's livelihood work and held a special meeting to emphasize: to complete various livelihood tasks this year with high quality, and strive to deliver a people's livelihood answer paper satisfied with the people2024.08.30 The National county-level supply and marketing cooperatives work site promotion meeting was held in Lu County to promote the high-quality development of county-level supply and marketing cooperatives2024.08.29 朱永新率民进中央与财政部联合调研组来川调研 深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想 持续深入打好碧水保卫战2024.08.29 2024 "Belt and Road" Media Cooperation Forum Opens in Chengdu Li Shulei attends and delivers speech Wang Xiaohui Tuo Zhen Salmand Ali David Benchik delivers a speech2024.08.29 Provincial government and CICC signed a strategic cooperation agreement Shi Xiaolin met with Chen Liang and witnessed the signing2024.08.29 Shi Xiaolin presided over the 2024 plenary meeting of the Provincial Culture and Tourism Industry Leading Group to uphold innovation, promote the integration of culture and tourism, high-quality development, and accelerate the construction of a strong province of culture and tourism2024.08.29 When Phubu Dondrup supervised, studied, propagated and implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in Panzhihua, he emphasized that further comprehensively deepening reform would enable the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Panzhihua2024.08.28 2024 China Network Civilization Conference opened in Chengdu Li Shulei attended and delivered a keynote speech Wang Xiaohui speech Zhuang Rongwen Li Yi and other keynote speeches2024.08.28 The China (Sichuan) -Denmark Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion and Exchange Conference was held in Copenhagen to explore green and low-carbon cooperation and promote industrial innovation and upgrading2024.08.27 省委常委会召开会议 传达学习习近平总书记有关重要讲话重要指示精神和中央有关会议精神 研究我省贯彻落实意见 决定召开中共四川省委十二届六次全会2024.08.27 王晓晖在纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年座谈会上的发言2024.08.26 The fourth Park City Forum held in Chengdu Shi Xiaolin speech2024.08.26 In Liangshan, Hu Yun supervised the study, propaganda and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization2024.08.26 The provincial government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the All-China Supply and Marketing Cooperation General Cooperative Shi Xiaolin Han Liping witnessed the signing2024.08.26 Wang Xiaohui in meeting with our province to participate in the Paris Olympic Games outstanding athletes and coaches, medical security personnel representatives stressed that bear in mind the entrust to start again on the new journey to create new achievements and then make new contributions to meet with Shi Xiaolin Tian to Li2024.08.26 The national modern agricultural machinery industry investment promotion will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan 4 cities to build agricultural machinery equipment industrial park2024.08.25 Shi Xiaolin stressed in the investigation of the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company: scientific and reasonable scheduling, and do a good job of high-temperature power supply protection2024.08.24 The province's mine safety video conference was held to learn lessons from the accident and take responsibility measures for compaction2024.08.23 王晓晖在四川省纪念邓小平同志诞辰120周年座谈会上强调 传承弘扬邓小平同志的崇高革命风范 在新征程上奋力谱写中国式现代化四川新篇章 施小琳主持 田向利出席2024.08.23 我省举行向邓小平同志铜像敬献花篮仪式 王晓晖施小琳田向利出席2024.08.23 Dong Weimin in the Brazil-China research stressed that adhere to the solid industrial foundation to promote high-quality development2024.08.22 Shi Xiaolin stressed in Suining research to stimulate the power of reform and innovation, highlight the advantages of cultivating kinetic energy to promote high-quality development2024.08.22 Sichuan provincial government industrial investment guide fund conference held in Chengdu Shi Xiaolin attended2024.08.21 Shi Xiaolin presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government to convey and implement the spirit of the fifth plenary meeting of The State Council to study the protection of the Chishui River basin2024.08.21 The 5th "Healthy Sichuan - Great American Doctor" live exchange activity was held in Chengdu2024.08.20 Shi Xiaolin supervised, studied, propagated and implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in Chengdu, solidly promoted the implementation of the decision and deployment of the Third Plenary Session to stimulate innovation vitality through reform and cultivate new momentum for high-quality development2024.08.20 To promote the high-quality development of TCM industry in Wumeng Mountain2024.08.19 Shi Xiaolin investigated health work and presided over a meeting to emphasize the solid promotion of medical and health system reform to better meet the people's medical and health needs2024.08.19 Dong Weimin stressed that every effort should be made to ensure the energy supply when investigating the electricity supply of the summer kurtosis2024.08.17 The Upper Yellow River Ecological Police Cooperation Conference was held in Aba to strengthen the linkage of regional cooperation departments to hold the bottom line of beautiful China's security2024.08.16 Wang Xiaohui in the investigation of summer cultural tourism market management service work stressed to create a more safe and orderly cultural tourism market environment so that the majority of tourists can visit Sichuan comfortably2024.08.16 The 24th meeting of Singapore-Sichuan Trade and Investment Committee was held to deepen cooperation and share opportunities for open development between Singapore and Sichuan2024.08.15 Dong Weimin stressed in Chengdu research to identify subdivision track to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence industry2024.08.15 Wang Xiaohui in Meishan City research stressed a solid grasp of the third Plenary Session of the decision to implement the implementation of reform as the driving force to better promote the modernization of Sichuan2024.08.15 The research group of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission came to Sichuan to investigate and promote the high-quality development of ethnic work in Sichuan2024.08.14 Wang Xiaohui Shi Xiaolin met with Sun Yongcai, Chairman of CRRC Group and Ma Yunshuang, General manager2024.08.13 The province's fire safety lessons to grasp the work and electric bicycle whole chain remediation of the third plenary meeting was held2024.08.12 Shi Xiaolin stressed in Guangyuan Nanchong research to give full play to the advantages of local conditions to cultivate new quality productivity to achieve high-quality economic and social development goals and tasks2024.08.09 Shi Xiaolin stressed in the research to promote consumption work: improve the quality of consumption to expand domestic demand, play an important supporting role in the economic development of quantity and quality2024.08.08 Wang Xiaohui in the investigation of the flood season meteorological accurate forecast and geological disaster monitoring and early warning work stressed that in improving the accuracy of forecast and early warning to continue to provide strong support for winning the hard battle of disaster prevention, reduction and relief2024.08.07